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Become GOLD KEY owner  and get free Access to Members Section, uNites VIP locations, Discounts and special Services !

Important Note! Limitation of Services:

In the event of breach of ROC (see under policy), harassment, or other behavior directed against uNites Girls, associated WGs, or other guests, uNites reserves the right to retract the Gold Key. There is no right to a refund.
The provision of sex services by our girls is always voluntary! A NO means NO! Sex services are also excluded if a key owner is on the girl's or uNites  ban/ignore list. In case of complaints, please contact the uNites staff. We are happy to help!

By purchasing a Gold Key, the buyer agrees to these Limits.

Gold keys

Price 200R each month

1) Price reduction in Unites services. 60R for 3o minutes to any aditional services

2) Vip acces to your zaby from CLub

3) Free acces to any uNites luxury location (VIP zabys)

4) You can use your key 3 times each month. Each time you have 30 minutes sex with on Unites girl or WG assiated from your ellection. yo can use your key 3 times with the same or different girls, 90 minutes with one girls or you can to be 45 minutes with 2 girls.

5) You can repair your key when it is broken in saturday and friday night partys, Prices will be reported on partys.

6). You have free tips dancing and free tip lapdance. Laprdance 10 minutes with each girl each month . If you repair your key you can repeat lapdance with all girls.

7). You have free accces to private partys in our special.

8) You can have sex at the club if you are invited by our girls to participate in espectacles. Only golds and platinum owners can participate.

9) You will have information about each girl to give you the best service to your preferences.


10) You have right to be included in private channel with Unites girls And Guest 
12) You will get access to VIP area of uNItes website

© 2017 by uNites Marketing. All rights reserved. uNites is a registered Trademark of Unforgettable Nights Inc.

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